Taxi to Bohinj
Taxi transfer to Bohinj from airport Ljubljana - Get price and take us - Ljubljana airport taxi transfer to Bohinj lake - Get taxi transfer to bohinj hotel,ro bohinj apartmrnt, to bohinj airbnb resort
Taxi to Bohinj from airport Ljubljana
Lake Bohinj is the largest natural lake in Slovenia. Nested in the heart of the Julian Alps, this jewel is a precious natural resource and at the same time offers endless opportunities for outdoor activities.Lake Bohinj is located in a glacial valley and it comprises almost 100 million cubic metres of water – according to an old Bohinj joke: no more than a bucket if it is large enough. The steeply descending lake basin is relatively smoothly shaped and has no shallow areas. In summer, the temperature of the water rises to 22 °C; in winter, the lake freezes sometimes. Water level rises 2 – 3 metres after heavy rainfall. The Lower Bohinj Mountain Range represents its southern border. The Sava River has carved a canyon between the Jelovica and Pokljuka plateaus in the east. To the north, Mount Triglav, Slovenia's highest mountain, is also a part of the municipality.
The Sava Bohinjka (which merges with the Sava Dolinka into the Sava) begins when two rivers, the Jezernica and the Mostnica, merge. The Mostnica comes from the Voje Valley, whereas the Jezernica is a very short river that flows from Lake Bohinj. Many smaller streams flow into the lake. The largest of them, the Savica, emerges in Komarča as a large waterfall. Savica Falls (Slap Savica) gets most of its water from Black Lake (Črno jezero), which is the largest in the Triglav Lakes Valley (Dolina Triglavskih jezer).
Do you need Taxi to BOHINJ from Ljubljana airport - price already from 65 eur for a car

We do not provide from Ljubljana airport shuttle service to Bohinj, but it may happen that our transportation,transfer service,individual service,private service,taxi service,business service,connection to Bohinj resort is cheaper than the shuttle carriers located at the airport,especially if there are more passengers in the car or van vehicle and the whole amount of the carriage is shared among passengers - Send us e-mail and Ask for your travel price to popular place lake Bohinj...
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